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1. You deserve massage therapy


The wide range of proven benefits of massage therapy during pregnancy, after birth, and for the baby all show greater amounts of sleep stability and bonding, with lower amounts of depression and illness.

2. You deserve the right childbirth education class FOR YOU


With so many choices in childbirth education, how do you know which one is right for you?  We have a system to help you decide, and we specialized educators for each method.

3. You dserve a birth coach
(aka doula)


Having a trained and experienced professional stay by your side during labor leads to fewer complications and higher satisfaction, with your birth experience.

Mothercare: 5 Parts to Complete Support


Leverage the care that already exists

It’s more than just having a baby then heading home.  The best beginnings include five parts to increase family’s health and happiness.  I have hand selected experts in each field.  They will work together to provide complete support during the childbearing year.

4. You deserve a
baby feeding specialist

Whether breast or bottle feeding, there’s a curve to learning your baby’s cues.  Our specialists have helped hundreds of women learn the easiest way to feed their babies.


5. You deserve a
postpartum doula
After everyone else has left, and you bring baby home, having trained and professional in-home support during the first days or weeks can be critical to long term happiness.
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